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Basis of the initiative
Migratory movements have been a constant throughout history. Mainly conditioned by political, economic and social factors, they have produced flows of people from diverse realities, and have facilitated the encounter and relationship between people and cultures. This fact has been a constant determined by the historical state, and the interaction produced is not always positive.
Based on this axiom, we believe that the challenge of our society is to know and live together in order to move forward together. It is therefore necessary to begin as soon as possible to raise awareness, sensitize and train on cultural diversity, especially among young people, as a positive factor in social cohesion and as a platform for building freer and fairer societies. From this reflection derives the "Cultural Shake: Tomorrow Begins Today", and it is necessary to study and reflect on the paradigm shift which, in terms of diversity and cultural interaction, is an urgent necessity, especially among our younger inhabitants.
This project, developed in the field of non-formal education, aims to enable young people between the ages of 16 and 18 to embark on cultural learning, to know the cultures, traditions, experiences and life stories of different people, to get out of their comfort zone and to face their prejudices and fears. We intend to develop the ability of participants to carry out a critical analysis to avoid stereotypes that determine everyday social relationships. We also want to develop the intercultural interest of young people, promote a critical look at diversity, what is happening in the world today, and develop new approaches to acting positively on local realities. Thus we seek to create dynamics that, from the local point of view, produce a multiplier effect and promote actions that extend beyond everyday reality.
We also seek to develop and acquire skills that promote empathetic attitudes towards the unknown by participating young people, while facilitating the commitment to develop inclusive adaptation processes to build new social realities based on tolerance, mutual respect and joint work.
Interesting data and numbers of the initiative:
- Coordination: Ibarra City Council
- Members: Oñati City Council and Arte e Cultura Sociale Association (Italy)
- Ibarra: 13 young people (9 girls, 5 boys) + 2 educators.
- Oñati: 13 young (girls) + 2 educators
- Italy: 13 young people (7 girls, 6 boys) + 2 educators
- Age: 16-18 years.
Subject: Interculturalism
Work plan:
- Organizational Technical Visit: 4-6 October 2023 (Bedizzole, Italy)
- Youth exchange in Gipuzkoa: 10-14 October 2023
- Youth exchange in Italy: 2-7 December 2023
Budget: 40,254.00 €
General frame. What is Erasmus+?
Erasmus+ is a European Union program for the period 2021-2027, which covers education, training, youth and sport. The Youth Institute is the State agency managing the youth area of the Erasmus+ program, in collaboration with the youth organizations of the Autonomous Communities.
Its priorities are:
- Inclusion and diversity.
- Digital transformation.
- Environment and climate change.
- Participation in democratic life.
It is important to know that although the name is ERASMUS+, it includes actions not only for the university but also for ALL levels of education: school, vocational training, higher education, youth, sport and adult training.
The Erasmus+ program must contribute, among other things, to the achievement of the objectives of the Europe 2030 strategy, including the main objective of education, promoting lifelong learning and mobility and improving the quality and efficiency of education and training.
Erasmus+ is structured into three fundamental actions:
• Youth exchange projects
• Youth staff mobility projects
• Youth participation activities
• DiscoverEU
• Partnership Associations
• Small-scale schools
MAIN ACTION 3 (KA3): Policy development and cooperation support
Links to the “Cultural shake: Tomorrow begins today” project's social networks:
Facebook: Erasmusplus CulturalShake
Instagram: erasmusplus_cultural_shake
Tik Tok: erasmus_culturalshake